Friday, March 8, 2013

Donate blood in memory of Emi

You may not even know what treasure health is. For us it's only 20 minutes of our lives, for others it is life itself. Emili received blood several times while she was sick, which we are very grateful for. Her school, Denes Szabo Primary School would like to organize blood donations in Tompa every year in March in memory of her and thus create a tradition. If you feel like, join the camp of blood donors in memory of Emili.

The place of the donation: Community Center Tompa
Date:  20 March 2013, Wednesday 10 am - 1 pm

We warmly welcome all aged between 18-65 who are

  • healthy
  • weigh more than 50 kg (110 pounds)
  • and haven't give blood in the recent past (within 56 days)
If you would like to come and give blood bring your passport and your Hungarian TAJ card. If you don't have one unfortunately you can't give blood.

Eat and drink a lot of water before you donate your blood!

We welcome all who know how good it is to give and those who haven't given blood yet but want to help and agree on the importance of blood donation.

If you want to participate you need to send a text message or call this number 06/70-866-1007 and sigh up by 11 March 2013 so incase a greater interest we can make the appropriate preparations. 

Thank you!

blesses are the dead who die in the Lord... requiem for a little girl

This is and article about Emi that appeared in the newspaper in Tompa. One of our relatives wrote it who also lost their little son in an accident.
I have already posted it in Hungarian, sorry it took this long to translate it...

Perhaps there has never before been such a unity here in Tompa then when we all worried, prayed and hoped for Emili. Even those who don't consider themselves believers said a silent prayer for this sweet little girl each day. But God had a different plan with her life. We all sympathized with her and her mom's suffering who probably needed more strength than Emili because for a parent there is no greater pain in this world than to helplessly watch her child's agony in dying.  

Many people raised the question: Where is God? Why didn't He help when He could have. Just a word from Him and even the dead were resurrected. He himself provides the answer to this question: because He ensured "something better" for all of us that He wants to work out in us through this most painful situation.

Emili and her family had long ago given their lives to the Lord. They have walked with Him in good days and bad and lived through great joy and pain alike. They have experienced that in all things God is always with them. They know that because of the blood of Jesus Christ, God has forgiven them their sins and with this joy they lived their everyday lives.
And no, the Lord did not leave them even so now they received the "passed the test, can go to the next grade" rating. God knew that even in this extremely difficult trial they will stand firm and will be able to testify of His love.

Now that they had to give their little daughter's life back to her Creator, they got even closer to the Giver of life and in their suffering they could experience that "the peace of God that passes all understanding" really dose exist and it really does "guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus".
Those of us who have also lived through such pain understood just a little of the infinite love that the Father has towards us sinful men "who did not spare His own son but gave Him up for us all". We were able to experience just how deep God's love is for us. What love is able to say to his dear only son, who prayed in the garden of Gecchemanie "Father if possible let this cup be taken from me" that "No, can't be, because this is the only way humanity can be saved."
He could have eliminated this rebellious planet by one word but He didn't because you and I were so precious in His eyes that He carried out His plan of salvation so "whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life".

We experienced this pain, the pain that the Father willingly took upon Himself for us and we were captured by this love. In the Bible there are many promises with which He ensures us that parting from our loved ones though is very painful and hard but only temporary because we will be together again in God's Kingdom where "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." He also promised that we don't have to carry this burden alone but that He shall be with us "always, to the end of the age."   He even said to lay down our burdens at His cross and and He will carry them for us.
However, this sadness is a call for all of us. Before Jesus went to the cross He gave an amazing promise to all : "Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house there are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also."

Just think about it, every single person who lives on this earth could have a place in Heaven where Jesus is preparing one for each and every one of us. When He comes back again not as a servant but as victorious King and Judge, His greatest desire is to take all of us home cleansed from sin and sanctified.   
But the choice is yours, what will your answer be to His call? Emili and her family said yes, we said yes, but what will you say? Emili's case is a big question for all of us living here in Tompa, what will your answer be to God's call? 

Will you walk the rest of your live with joy in your heart knowing that you are a saved child of God or will you say no and face the coming judgement?
How can such infinite love be rejected?

And another important thing, please, do not think that the children of God are without blemish. No. We are sinners saved by grace who accepted the forgiveness of God through Jesus' shed blood on the cross and eternal life given to us as a gift of grace. If we do good, it is the work of our Lord Jesus who lives in us, and if we fail then "we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world."

Just think how bad it makes you feel if a gift that you have prepared with love is being rejected by the one you want to give it to. Would you really reject God's love and the heavenly place that He is preparing for you which cost His such great of a price and which He is so lovingly preparing for you? 
If you say no to Him, He will mourn over you but He will not force you into His heavenly kingdom against your will. 

If you accept Him even this world will be a different place because God's love will be living inside of you. You will experience peace and strength in your everyday live and hope for your future. 
Emily is safe now. What happened to her has bind her family to the Lord forever. Not only because without Him they wouldn't be able to bare the pain, not only because the Lord has given them hope for the future, not only so that they would meet their beloved daughter, sister, in God's country but because not they have understood the depth of God's love like never before. And this love has irresistibly captured them. 

If Emili's story touched you, then say yes to God's call, this will be the geratest joy for her and will make up for all the suffering that she had to go through. 


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Véradás Emili emlékére

Talán nem is sejted mekkora érték az egészség. Nekünk csak 20 perc az életünkből, másnak maga az élet. Emili a betegsége során több alkalommal kaphatott vért, amiért nagyon hálásak vagyunk. Iskolája, a Szabó Dénes Általános Iskola, az ő emlékére szeretne minden év márciusában véradást szervezni, s ezzel hagyományt teremteni. Ha úgy érzed, csatlakozz a véradók táborához Emili emlékére!

A véradás helyszíne: Művelődési Ház Tompa
Időpontja:  2013. március 20. szerda 10.00 - 13.00 óráig

Szeretettel várunk minden 18 és 65 év közötti felnőttet és fiatalt, aki 
  • egészséges
  • a testsúlya több mint 50 kg
  • és a közelmúltban (56 napon belül) nem adott vért.
A véradásra hozd magaddal a személyi igazolványod, TAJ kártyád, és ha új véradó vagy, a lakcímkártyád is!

Étkezz a véradás előtt és fogyassz bőségesen folyadékot is!

Szeretettel várjuk mindazokat, akik tudják, hogy adni mindig jó és azokat is, akik eddig még nem adtak vért, de most segíteni szeretnének és egyet értenek a véradás fontosságával.

Kérjük, jelezzétek 2013. március 11-ig a részvételeteket, hogy nagyobb érdeklődés esetén a vérellátó megfelelően készülhessen a véradásra. Köszönjük!

Jelentkezni Sztupinszky Istvánné tanárnőnél ill. a 06/70-866-1007-es telefonszámon lehet a véradásra.

"Időt kell szakítanod embertásaidra, tégy valamit másokért, ha még oly apróságot is - valamit, amiért fizetséget nem kapsz, csupán a kitüntető érzést, hogy megtehetted." - Albert Schweitzer