Thursday, December 13, 2012

a good day / egy jó nap

we know that some days will be better than others and today was a good day because her white blood cell count dropped from 500.000 to 170.000 and her pH levels are improving too!!! she was also able to walk by herself today! we are so thankful for this! praise God and please keep praying!

tudjuk, hogy jönnek nehezebb és könnyebb napok, a mai egy jó nap volt! a fehérvérsejt száma 500.000-ről  170.000-re csökkent és a pH szintjében is javulás volt!!! sőt, ma egyedül fel tudott állni és menni egy kicsit! nagyon hálásak vagyunk ezért! dicsőség Istennek és kérünk folytassátok az imádkozást!


  1. Hello! I will be praying for Emi! I am an AML leukemia survivor myself (live in the U.S.), so I can understand the shock and experience you are facing. I will pray for peace, strength and recovery!

  2. Hello Emi,
    To see you smile in all of this brings joy to my heart. You are a strong little girl. Stay close to God and when it hurts, keep

    Uncle Thomas

  3. I am praying for God's healing for Emi and complete recovery... even if I do not know Emi personally I was shocked that so young 11 yr old little girl has that sickness.
